Real Estate Income Solutions for Private Investors & Retirement Portfolios
As you know, real estate is at an all-time high right now in many markets. Recent articles in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and countless other publications have been stories about big Wall Street companies jumping in and buying real estate rather than stocks … because they know they can get a better return.
Before we dive into the good stuff, remember … we are not financial advisors, and by no means should this guide be meant to act as financial, tax, or legal advice. It’s for informational purposes only. Consult your own professional advisors before you make any financial choices like this to be fully knowledgeable about real estate investment returns. Private Lend on real estate and get a 7% APR fixed return.
Investors have been utilizing this investment opportunity for years.
​Earn a 7% return when you privately lend and/or invest. Investment is backed by the Real Estate Property and secured in an escrow.
Safe, High & Fixed Returns ​
* Your money earns a VERY HIGH RATE OF RETURN— 7% APR FIXED GUARANTEED (flexible return options)
* Your investment is secured by a private mortgage recorded by an escrow
* You are listed as the loss payee on the insurance policy
* Your investment is secured by discounted real estate, providing substantial equity
If you want to earn more interest on your money, don't hesitate to call or send the form below to learn more.